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4-Year-Old Needs Help To Beat Blood Cancer
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Vimla and Jagadish ran pillar to post, trying to figure out why their 4-year-old son was suffering from recurrent high fever and cold. After two long months, they finally found the cause, leaving them devastated.
“Cancer? It was all so sudden. 2 months ago, he was all fine. He was such a happy child with no worry in the world. He would run out the door to play in the evenings and always had so much to say. He never went to the hospital even once and now…now he is battling cancer.” – Vimla, mother

They found a lump in his lungs
Through a chest X-ray, these parents found the first clue to what was bothering their son. They found a lump in his lungs. On further investigations and a bone marrow test, he was diagnosed with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (T-ALL), a type of blood cancer that begins in the bone marrow and can spread to other organs.
This little boy needs rigorous chemotherapy to survive this life-threatening disease.

I am just a worker earning a minimum wage
“I work as a helper in a grocery shop, earning just enough to put food on the table. Rs 8500 that’s all I make in a month. How will I arrange lakhs of rupees? How will I save him?” – Jagadish, father
Jagadish has already spent all his savings and even borrowed to keep up with the cost of treatment, but it is not enough. Their son needs to start his chemotherapy as soon as possible and it will go on for 2 long years. Without the chemotherapy, this 4-year-old won’t be able to make it.

He is our only child, help us save him
“Our world revolves around him and watching him suffer so much is killing us. He has become weak, unable to move and play like before. In such a short time our lives have completely changed. He is all we have, our only child. Please help us save him!”– Vimla, mother
The cost of this little boy’s treatment is estimated to be 16 Lakh rupees. But the family can’t afford it. It is a very big amount for this poor family.

You are their only hope. Your generous contributions can save this 4-year-old from the clutches of cancer. Contribute to the cause.
#1 How to claim Tax-Exemption for my contributions on True Hope Foundation?
#2 How To Avail 10BE?
#3 Why do we collect a tip amount ?
#4 Are these NGOs verified ?
#5 How to Donate ?

Donated ₹9,000.00
Donated ₹5,000.00
Donated ₹5,000.00
Neha singh
Donated ₹5,000.00
Yoginder yadav
Donated ₹4,000.00
Donated ₹4,000.00
Rishabh ridhish
Donated ₹1,000.00
Donated ₹500.00
Praveen Yadav
Donated ₹200.00
Ridhish rishabh sanklecha
Donated ₹1,000.00
Donated ₹1,000.00