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Born To Them After 10 Years, This Couple Might Lose Their Twins
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“We waited for so long to be parents and finally after 10 long years, God answered our prayers and I got pregnant for the first time. I was so happy and excited when I got to know that I was going to be a mother not for one but two children… I was having twins. But now both of them are struggling to survive in the ICU, struggling for each breath and I can’t even touch them.” – Sima, the mother, crying feeling helpless

Sima was rushed to the hospital after she experienced severe pain in her abdomen. Upon check-up, doctors asked the family to immediately get ready for a cesarean as there were some complications in the pregnancy.
Immediately after birth, the babies were shifted to the NICU as they were not able to breathe and needed mechanical support.

They look so weak, tiny and fragile
The twins, two little girls, were prematurely born at just 7 months of pregnancy and ever since then, they have been suffering from extremely low birth weight and severe respiratory distress syndrome. They are dependent on blood transfusions. They need to be under constant observation and ventilator support to survive.
“When I saw them for the first time, they looked so weak, tiny and fragile. I was scared that I might hurt them if I even touched them. They weighed just a little above one kg each. When I went back to Sima who was still recovering from the surgery, I didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t look at her and tell her what I saw, I couldn’t tell her that I was terrified of losing them.” – Rajesh, father

They need NICU to survive but the parents cannot afford it
They need to stay in the hospital for a few more weeks for the organs to fully develop and to completely recover. A newborn baby usually weighs around 3 kgs but neither the babies weigh even half of it. They need to continue the treatment to survive but the poor parents are unable to afford it anymore.
Rajesh works as a lift operator and Sima works in a beauty parlour. Together, they managed to earn Rs 18,000, which was enough for the two of them to live comfortably. But the NICU costs them 11000 rupees a day, which is way beyond their means. The entire treatment will cost them 12 L rupees for both the children which they cannot afford.

“We struggled to be parents for years. We went for several treatments and after so many years, God gave us a chance to be parents. But look at my fate and I feel so helpless that I am unable to protect my little ones. With continued treatment, I can take them back home but I am failing to. If anything happens to them, I’ll never be able to forgive myself. Please help us save our children.”- Rajesh, father
Your generous contribution can help this poor couple save their twin babies. Click here to contribute.
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Vishal Surve
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Arun Vasudevan
Donated ₹1,000.00
Jibin Joseph
Donated ₹1,000.00
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Donated ₹500.00
Vishal Surve
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