They Were Once Worshipped, But Today They Cry For Help! | Donate To Aasra
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They are worshipped as Gods. They are the ones who are welcomed in temples, brought food to and also taken care of. Sadly, this has now stopped. And nobody knows why.
We humans have gotten too busy with our lives that we have forgotten what our nature has provided us with. We have gotten so caught up with our lives that we have neglected these voiceless animals to a point where today they are crying for our help. They cry for someone to give them attention. Their entire lives have been in danger and today they need us.

Some are ignored as they lie wounded and hurt on the streets all alone, while some beaten because they are considered as threats, some even being electrocuted as they search for trees to climb and live a peaceful life. They don’t deserve so much pain. For us humans, a little hurt and we rush to the doctors and hospitals, what about these innocent hurt monkeys?

Who do they rely on? Who can help them? If your heart too goes out to these hurting animals then you are on the right track, the same track as Aasra Foundation. This foundation is a safe haven for animals like these. Started by the most compassionate Charu Khare. Charu is the one who felt for these animals and started this foundation keeping just one thing in mind and that is, “We need to help those who cannot help themselves, that is our purpose as human beings, that is why we have been created.”

Today Charu is responsible in not only helping these animals be rescued but is also working tirelessly to make sure they get their urgent medical help at the same time food and a good place to live a peaceful life. Sadly, this too is being taken away from her. The cost of maintaining this place and meeting each and every need of Aasra foundation is getting out of hand for single Charu to handle. Today, as Charu needs your help, she asks you in her purest intentions, to help rescue more hurting animals and keep them safe. Today she needs funds to help them have their basic needs like a better, bigger place, regular food and medical needs. Your donations can help fulfill her needs and also give these monkeys a better life, a life that they deserve from the start.
So, donate now and help rescue the Hanumans of our world. Don’t let anything stop us from showing these monkeys love and care that they need.
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Donated ₹10,000.00
Donated ₹10,000.00
Ravi Bansal
Donated ₹9,951.00
Donated ₹5,100.00
Deep J Goti
Donated ₹4,800.00
Shivani Thaploo
Donated ₹4,200.00
pranav verma
Donated ₹300.00
Donated ₹600.00
Mahantesh in
Donated ₹300.00
Shikha Agarwal
Donated ₹300.00
D. Kalita
Donated ₹300.00