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This Son Couldn’t Recognise HIs Own Mother After A Fatal Accident
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In 2020, Milind was just 28 years old and about to be married in the next 2 months. But fate had other plans. He met with a fatal accident. He was returning home when his bike’s light suddenly started acting up. Unable to see anything clearly, he hit a big stone and fell off the road leading to severe brain injury.
He can’t recognise his own family
“Our family is not new to tragedy. My husband passed away 10 years ago due to electric shock and my father in law passed away in the same year as well. When we heard about Milind’s accident, all we prayed was to keep him alive. We were eagerly waiting for Milind to open his eyes after the surgery and tell us that he was okay but… he couldn’t recognise his family, not even his own mother.” -Vidhya, sister in law
Looking at Milind’s mental condition, his fiance and her family refused to marry him and they never heard from them again.

Milind underwent 4 major surgeries to survive
In the accident, Milind’s skull got crushed. To save Milind’s life, doctors had to perform 4 major surgeries and planted an implant, an artificial skull. Now, he is having an infection and suffers from sepsis.
He is advice hospitalisation surgical management with reconstruction of skull defect with implant along with prolong ICU stay with higher antibiotics and other supportive management including medi-cines. However, the cost of treatment is something this family cannot afford.

Mother too passed away after watching her younger son struggle
Milind couldn’t recognise anyone around him post surgery and it became a tough battle for the family to calm him down and explain everything to him. Though he came back home with his family, things were completely different.
“He wasn’t able to accept or understand what had happened to him or who were the people around him. He was at least able to communicate with us and that was a relief but after 2 years, my mother-in-law passed away and things only got worse.” – Vidhya, sister in law

The family is very poor and had to borrow every penny spent on the treatment till now from the villagers and relatives. Milind couldn’t recognise his friends and barely spoke to anyone in the village, distancing the family further from the community.
Milind use to work at a local grocery shop and earn 5000 rupees a month but he never got back on his feet after the accident. Vidhya has a young son who is still studying and currently there is no proper source of income to even put food on the tab;e for this family.

“He is able to move and do things on his own but the infection is spreading fast and he needs immediate surgery. We don’t know where our next meal is coming from and affording this treatment and surgery, is way beyond our means. We desperately need help!” – Vidhya, sister in law.
The family needs 18 lakh rupees to save Milind and it’s only possible with the help of your kind contributions.
Please donate and give Milind and his left members a hope at life.
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Dr. Ansari Mesbsh
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Rajender Kumar
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