In the bustling heart of Delhi, beneath a simple shed that barely shelters her from the elements, lives an extraordinary woman named Pratima Devi. At 80 years old, Pratima Devi has dedicated the last decade of her life to caring for over 250 stray dogs—innocent creatures abandoned by their owners and victims of unimaginable cruelty. Despite her advanced age and the hardships she faces, she continues to provide these dogs with the love and care they so desperately need.
A Life of Sacrifice and Love
Pratima Devi’s journey began in Kolkata, but it was in Delhi that she found her true calling. Living in a makeshift shelter, she has created a sanctuary for dogs that society has cast aside. These dogs are not just animals to her; they are her family, her "sons," as she lovingly calls them. For the past ten years, Pratima Devi has nurtured these dogs, tending to their wounds, feeding them, and giving them the affection they were once denied.
However, life has not been easy for Pratima Devi and her furry companions. The shed they call home is a fragile structure, offering little protection from the harsh Delhi weather. Recently, their lives were thrown into turmoil when the Municipal Corporation of Delhi demolished her shelter, leaving her and her dogs in a precarious situation. Despite this, Pratima Devi’s resolve has not wavered. She continues to care for her dogs, but the challenges she faces are growing by the day.
The Daily Struggle to Survive
Pratima Devi’s day begins with a mission—to find food for her dogs. With no steady source of income, she relies on the kindness of strangers and local donors to meet the daily needs of her beloved animals. On good days, she manages to gather enough food to feed them all, and on bad days, both she and her dogs go hungry. “They are my family, my sons,” she says. “When they don’t get food, I also sleep on an empty stomach.”
But as she grows older, the physical demands of caring for so many dogs are becoming increasingly difficult. The thought of what will happen to her dogs after she is gone keeps her awake at night. She worries not just for herself, but for the future of her dogs, who have no one else to turn to.
A Dream of a Permanent Home
Amidst all these challenges, Pratima Devi has a dream—a dream to build a permanent home for her dogs on a small piece of land she owns in Faridabad. This land represents hope, a place where her dogs can live safely and securely without the constant threat of eviction or demolition. But building this sanctuary requires resources that Pratima Devi simply does not have.
The monthly expenses for feeding and caring for her dogs are already overwhelming, and without consistent donations, even basic necessities become hard to come by. Despite her tireless efforts, Pratima Devi cannot do it alone. She needs help, and she needs it urgently.
How You Can Help
Pratima Devi has given everything she has to these dogs—her time, her love, and her very life. Now, she is asking for your help to secure a future for her beloved family. By donating, you can help Pratima Devi build the permanent shelter her dogs so desperately need. Your support will ensure that these animals, who have already endured so much, can live out their lives in safety and comfort.
Pratima Devi’s story is one of unparalleled compassion and resilience. It is a testament to the power of love and the difference one person can make in the lives of others—human or animal. As she continues to fight for her dogs, let us come together to support her, ensuring that her family of 250+ dogs can thrive long into the future.
Let’s help Pratima Devi save her family from the crisis they face and build a safe, permanent home for these dogs. Every donation, no matter how small, brings them one step closer to security and peace.